Please complete this form to apply to be an EdReports reviewer. If you encounter trouble submitting your application, please clear your browser cache or open a private or incognito window. An asterisk next to a question indicates the field is required to save.
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Home Mailing Address
Home Mailing City
State (please use two letter abbreviation)
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Time Zone Pacific Mountain Central Eastern Other
What subject(s) are you interested in reviewing? (Check all that apply): ELA K-2 ELA 3-5 ELA 6-8 ELA 9-12 Early Literacy Foundational Skills Math K-2 Math 3-5 Math 6-8 Math HS Multilingual Learners (MLLs) Science 6-8 Science K-5 Science HS Pre-K
Please describe your current or most recent role in education:
Please list your professional certification(s)/license(s)
With which charter, district, region, or state are you currently affiliated?
Years of teaching experience in K-2 mathematics
Years of teaching experience in 3-5 mathematics
Years of teaching experience in 6-8 mathematics
Years of teaching experience in HS mathematics
Years of teaching experience in K-2 ELA
Years of teaching experience in 3-5 ELA
Years of teaching experience in 6-8 ELA
Years of teaching experience in 9-12 ELA
Years of teaching experience in K-5 Science
Years of teaching experience in 6-8 Science
Years of teaching experience in HS Science
Overall years in education
Please list all professional affiliations with professional and other organizations (i.e. NCTM, NCTE, AFT, NEA, NSTA, SAP Core Advocates, etc.)
Have you worked with or on behalf of a publisher of K-12 instructional materials (print, digital, or open educational resources (OER)) in the last three years?
Additional details concerning your experience working with or on behalf of a publisher of K-12 instructional materials (optional):
With which curriculum have you had experience in the last five (5) years?
Please describe any leadership roles you have held to support the design or implementation of K-12 curriculum and instruction, particularly around CCSS or NGSS.
Please describe any experience working virtually with other educators in a network or Professional Learning Community.
Why are you interested in serving as an Content Reviewer?
When determining whether instructional materials are of quality, what are your top criteria of considerations? Why?
Content Reviewers attend weekly virtual meetings with their teams. Given that Reviewers are mostly practicing educators, we do our best to schedule these meetings around your availability. Do you have concerns about the time commitment/working virtually?
Please describe your availability for an in-person training event to be held in June or July each year. Your availability will not materially impact your candidacy, rather it helps us plan final selection and make alternative arrangements as needed.
Employment Status Employed Full Time Employed Part Time Self Employed Unemployed Full Time Student
Highest Level of Education Completed Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate (including ABD)
Please check which best describes the urbanicity of the community in which you work Urban Rural Suburban
How did you hear about serving as a reviewer for EdReports (select one): Conference (EdReports presentation) Conference (non-EdReports presentation) Through a district, state, or school Through another organization Referred by a colleague Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Other
If you selected conference, district, state, school, organization, or other, please provide details:
If you were referred by someone to apply, please enter that person's name here:
Does your district/school use EdReports?
Gender (optional - EdReports encourages submissions from all qualified individuals without regard to gender, gender identity, and expression)
Race and Ethnicity (optional - EdReports encourages submissions from all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, and ethnicity) Asian/Pacific Islander Black/African American Hispanic/Latinx Native American/Alaskan, American/Indian White (Caucasian) Other Decline to Respond
Any Additional Comments?